Audio Treatment for Chronic Tinnitus

About Tinnitus

tinnitus treatments

Sleep disturbances, concentration disturbances…

Many of us are victims of tinnitus in their daily lives, sometimes to the unbearable.

Tinnitus are noises – whistling, whistling, … – that are heard in an ear (or both), either temporarily or continuously without having being emitted by an external source.

  • In developed countries, about 20% of the population suffers from hearing problems.
  • More than 10% of people are victims of tinnitus, and the tinnitus is permanent for about half of them, which is more or less 5% of the total population.

Tinnitus is therefore among the most common health problems today, and the trend is increasing.

about tinnitus
tinnitus scientific audio treatment

While about 10% of them may be related to an objective cause, such as vascular disease, most of tinnitus are related to a dysfunction of the hearing nervous system, which may be caused by ear aging, acoustic trauma, or some ear pathologies.

Our ear is a complex organ that transforms the air vibrations received by the tympan into electric micro-signals that will then use the brain’s neuron circuits.

Scientists now agree that understanding and thus treatment of tinnitus requires a comprehensive approach in which the ear and the central nervous system must be considered together.

Until recently, treatment methods only made it possible to ‘live better with’ without providing real curative responses.

But several recent scientific works have led to sound-processing techniques that allow now significant improvements in more than 70% of cases.

therapeutic ambient sounds

Our therapeutic offer combines the latest technological
advances with traditional methods.

Tinnitus is a complex phenomenon, which can have various causes, and manifest in various ways.

First of all, it is a good idea to consult a hearing specialist who can make a diagnosis and point you towards adapted care.
Healthy living, healthy eating and regular physical activities will always be beneficial, and it is also important to avoid exciting products and stress situations.
Yoga, Sophrology, Hypnosis and different techniques of relaxation and meditation are known to generally bring improvements in the perception and experience of the tinnitus, but not to cure them.

silence - tinnitus treatment audio solution
tinnitus relaxation

We can therefore consider a multi-therapeutic approach that combines healthy eating and living, relaxation practices, and audio regeneration therapy.

Our therapeutic solution allow you to use the techniques of acoustic care customized to your tinnitus.
You may associate relaxation and controlled breathing exercises with listening to the proposed therapeutic sounds.

Sound therapies help improve the perception of tinnitus in more than 70% of cases.
This improvement extends to complete disappearance in about 25% of cases.

Our articles about tinnitus

ear & tinnitus

Tinnitus and the Ear

Let’s dive into the relations between tinnitus and the ear ! In this post we will first address the functioning of the human ear, before taking a look at current knowledge about tinnitus.
We will see in particular that tinnitus has to do not only with the ear but also with the areas of the brain involved in hearing.

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tinnitus treatments #1: treatment axes

Treatments #1: Treatments Axes

The causes of tinnitus can be very diverse and often difficult to identify.
This logically results in a wide variety of possible tinnitus treatments axes.
It will of course be possible and probably advisable to combine several of them.
let’s take a look at the existing possibilities.

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frequencies& decibels

Frequencies and Decibels

Frequencies and Decibels: In order to better understand tinnitus, we propose in this post to define the sound, and how it is characterized and quantified.
To define a sound we use two parameters which are its frequency, measured in Hertz (Hz) and its intensity, measured in Decibels (dB).

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tinnitus treatments #2: medication & supplementation

Treatments #2: Medication

Let’s have a summary here of the Medication and Supplementation possibilities. Medication doesn’t really solve the problem while supplementation may help by improving aspects of the global response to tinnitus.

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tinnitus treatments #3: audio solutions

Treatments #3: Audio Solutions

We will in this article try to get into the details of the operation of the best known audio treatments methods.
These include the use of music, noise generators, and hearing aids .

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treatments #6 - sophrology and similar ways

Treatments #6: Sophrology

We are going to be interested here in Sophrology as well as in other disciplines which use relaxation techniques associated with methods aiming at working on or re-structuring our emotions to achieve a better acceptance of tinnitus.

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treatments #7 - using ear aids

Treatments# 7: Using Ear Aids

Today, many hearing aid manufacturers include tinnitus solutions in their hearing aids to help patients regain their hearing peace.
Known as “tinnitus noiser” or “tinnitus masker”, these tinnitus solutions are now offered on many high-end hearing aids for personalised hearing comfort day and night.
These hearing aids can help patients with tinnitus with or without hearing loss and can also be used as a complement to the treatment of hearing loss if this is the case.

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How to use the player

First be sure to place yourself in a quiet environment.

Use a headphone; you should only hear your tinnitus and the frequency test.

Play the synthesizer ( PLAY / PAUSE) and adjust the volume to your convenience – ideally at the same level as the perception of your tinnitus.

In the case where you would have several tinnitus, focus on the one you most perceive.

Then vary the frequency using the previous / next arrows, until you find the frequency that best matches your tinnitus.

Do not hesitate to pause / play the sound in order to compare better.

Take your time to be as sure as possible.

Frequency range of the tool goes from 78Hz (D#1) up to 9956Hz (D#8).
The frequency area covered represents 7 octaves.
If you are not familiar with these concepts, we invite you to read our post dedicated to Frequencies and Decibels.